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Abou...My Sto...
Oh you know what this is!

Hi, I'm Miss Invaluable Focus AKA Inbal Bland

I'd like to start with the Miss Focus thing.
in 2014 My sister Hilla and I reached out to our friends at iDEALIZER to help us rebrand our business and get some order in the chaos. 

They came back with great ideas and explained that
as my sister Hilla's job is showing people that, 
rather than seeing their world as black-white, 
they have a whole 'rainbow' of options in their lives,
she should be called Miss Prism

Since I'm naturally a very focused person and can help people stay on track
once they choose what they want to achieve - I'm Miss Focus
(it also relates to the fact that I keep my sister from scattering
too much with her wild ideas).

And the Invaluable? Well, I have one of my best friends to thank for that. 
While we were messaging each other via our mobile phones
her autocorrect kept changing my name to 'Invaluable'. 
I see that as serendipity...



However, I am sure you know that all human beings are complex
and I am more than just one label.
I am also an entrepreneur, a wife, a mother to two boys,
a social creature that enjoys the company of my friends, and so much more.


I love my life, I try to enjoy every second
and my ambition is to help others to enjoy their own lives in their own way. 
That's why I have joined my sister in the Via Mind adventure where we

set out to make the world a better place by enabling people to achieve their ambitions and make life changes using their mind's innate abilities. 


This blog is a place for me to exercise and express
all the things I am learning from my sister,

from the NLP  courses and other training I am currently doing

and from general experiences and insights in my life.


I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it, and will 

take the time to comment on the posts or get in touch using the form bellow.


Have a wonderful life,


If you have any questions, comments or just want to say hello, please get in touch!

Thank you for your message!

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